MOBI – Natural Hip and Joint Mobility Supplement for Dogs

MOBI – Hip and Joint Mobility Supplement for Dogs


Natural supplement for joint and bone health. Tasty chicken-flavoured tablets (or a powder) to help look after your dog’s mobility.

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Have you recently noticed your dog slowing down, having difficulty walking, or being stiffer than normal?

Seeing your beloved furry friend struggle with joint discomfort can be heartbreaking. Joint issues can affect dogs of all ages and breeds, impacting their mobility, energy levels, and overall quality of life.

At Dog's Lounge, we understand the importance of keeping your dog active and pain-free. That's why we're thrilled to offer our specially formulated Joint Supplements for Dogs, designed to promote joint health and support your dog's mobility.

Mobi is a premium hip and joint supplement formulated to provide dogs with all necessary nutrients needed for maintaining healthy joints at every stage of their life. Mobi helps to maintain flexibility, support the formation of cartilage, soothe stiffness, as well as retain agility. A combination of the finest natural ingredients known for their anti-inflammatory properties that help keep your furry friend active. These include:

Glucosamine- helps to maintain the overall quality of life for ageing dogs

Chondroitin- sustains water retention and elasticity, nourishes the joint tissues

Green-lipped mussel- supports the build-up and maintenance of healthy joints and maintains mobility

MSM- supports joint and connective tissue

Curcumin (turmeric)- helps to maintain healthy joint function

and more! Go to the Ingredients tab to see a full list.

Extra advice for your furry friends 👇

Active Ingredients (per tablet)

• Glucosamine Sulphate - 250mg

• Chondroitin Sulphate - 150mg

• Green Lipped Mussel - 150mg

• MSM - 125mg

• Curcumin (Turmeric) - 15mg

• Vitamin C - 15mg

• Hyaluronic Acid - 5mg

• Manganese - 5mg

Inactive Ingredients

• Microcrystalline Cellulose

• Magnesium Stearate

• Chicken Flavouring

Mobi can be fed to all adult dogs regardless of age, size or level of exercise. In severe cases double the amount of the supplement for the first 4 weeks.

Mobi tablets are designed to be eaten directly or as a part of a meal, crushed if necessary into your dog's food or a treat. If multiple tablets are to be taken, these can be split throughout the day.

Directions of use

• Up to 15kg (33lb) - one tablet per day

• 16–30kg (34–66lb) - two tablets per day

• 31–45kg (67–99lb) - three tablets per day

• Over 45kg (100lb) - four tablets per day


Mobi powder comes with a specifically measured scoop. You should administer the powder in a daily suggested quantity as per the guide below. Mix in to food or treats. Each scoop is 2 g to provide 75 scoops per unit.

Directions of use

• Up to 5kg (1lb) - half scoop per day

• 6–15kg (12–33lb) - one scoop per day

• 16–30kg (34–66lb) - two scoops per day

• 31–45kg (67–99lb) - three scoops per day

• Over 45kg (100lb) - four scoops per day

100% Natural Ingredients



Helps to restore joint health naturally, increasing mobility. Improves lubrication in your dog's joints



Sustains water retention and elasticity in the cartilage, helping to ensure adequate shock absorption and adequate nourishment of the joint tissues



Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, GLM supports the build-up and maintenance of healthy joints and maintains mobility



Supports joint and connective tissue at all stages of your dog’s life, helps with maintenance of healthy skin and hair



Has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, wound healing and anticancer properties



Helps to reinvigorate, especially older dogs whose natural vitamin C production becomes less proficient with age



Naturally lubricates joints and aids in shock absorption



Supports the health and maintenance of bone and cartilage in joints

dog healthy joints
preserves mobility
easy to give tablets or powder
made in the UK British product

Hip and Joint Supplement FAQs

Is Mobi a cure for arthritis?

Unfortunately, there is no cure for arthritis, which means your dog will have it for the entirety of their life. However, with the correct treatment, canine arthritis can be managed. The natural ingredients found in Mobi are known for their beneficial properties when it comes to maintaining free-moving joints, improving mobility, joint function, and reducing pain. We always recommend checking with the vet prior to using any supplements as they will know your dog's medical history and will be able to recommend the best treatment available.

Is Mobi gluten-free?

Yes, it is.

My dog is allergic to chicken. Does Mobi actually contain the chicken protein?

No, there is no chicken in the chicken flavouring we use in our supplement. It is a synthetic flavour added to dextrose. Diabetic dogs should consult a vet before using the supplement, due to the dextrose used in the flavouring as it may not be suitable for them.

What age should you give dogs joint supplements?

Mobi is suitable for all dogs regardless their age, breed or exercise level. Very young puppies under 6 months of age don't usually require hip & joint supplements such as Mobi unless there is a family history of joint problems or a previous injury. We do, however, recommend using mobility supplement as a preventative to protect against joint issues in later life, especially for large breeds or those prone to such problems. If unsure, please check with your vet before adding any supplements to your dog's diet.

Is Mobi safe for pregnant or lactating bitches?

No, it's not recommended.

Are these tablets hard or soft and chewy?

Mobi tablets are hard but can be cut in half or ground into a powder using a kitchen mortar and pestle or a tablet grinder. Mobi is also available in a powder form for smaller dogs or fussy eaters.

How long should it take to see the results?

All dogs are different and their condition varies but most of our customers notice changes between 2–4 weeks of using the supplement, if not earlier.

Can Mobi be given alongside your other supplements?

Yes, you can give your dog Mobi together with our other supplements.

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