July 17, 2023 3 min read

Tick infestation in dogs is a common issue that every dog owner might face at some point. Ticks are not just bothersome; they're also carriers of Lyme disease – caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi – amongst other ones, such as Anaplasmosis or Babesiosis. Recognising a tick infestation promptly and taking the right steps to address it can help ensure your dog's safety and well-being. Let's walk you through how to deal with ticks on your beloved canine companion effectively.


Understanding Ticks and Their Impact on Dogs

Ticks are small arachnids that latch onto your dog's skin and feed on their blood. They have eight legs with an egg-shaped body that will become larger and darker when filled with blood. Unlike fleas, they don't fly or jump. Instead, they climb or drop on your pet's coat when they brush past whatever they're sitting on. As PetMD points out, there are over 800 species of ticks worldwide, with each species carrying different pathogens that could harm your dog. Ticks can transmit diseases to dogs within 24 to 48 hours of the initial bite. Therefore, it's essential to remove ticks as soon as possible to prevent any potential disease transmission.



Identifying a Tick Infestation

Ticks are more common in certain environments, such as wooded areas and tall grasses. But don't let this fool you; they can thrive in your garden or local park too. They can be present all year round but are most active in spring, early summer and then early autumn.

dog tick removal tool

The first step in dealing with a tick infestation is recognising it. Ticks are tiny but visible to the naked eye. A tick may look like a small dark speck on your dog's skin or fur, but on closer inspection, you'll notice its legs and possibly its body expanding as it feeds. A tick bite can lead to redness and swelling in the area and may cause your dog discomfort. Some dogs may scratch excessively or show signs of irritation or pain.



Removing a Tick from Your Dog

If you notice a tick on your dog, it's crucial to remove it promptly. The PDSA provides a step-by-step guide on removing ticks safely using a specially designed tick removal tool in this video.

It's essential not to squeeze the tick's body or leave the tick's head embedded in your dog's skin, which could lead to infection. We recommend using a tick remover as it is the safest way to remove ticks without leaving parts of the tick in the skin. It does not squeeze the tick, thus reducing the risk of infection. Always wear gloves and avoid touching the tick directly. Once the tick is removed, cleanse the bite area with a mild disinfectant.

Dispose of the tick safely by placing it in a sealed bag or container and putting it in the bin. Don't attempt to squash the tick, as it may spread infectious material.



Preventing Tick Infestations in Dogs

Preventing tick infestations is crucial to maintaining your dog's overall health. Regularly applying a veterinarian-recommended tick repellent can provide essential protection. Furthermore, after each walk, especially in high-risk areas like woods or tall grasses, thoroughly inspect your dog's coat and skin for ticks. Regular grooming also plays a vital role in tick prevention as it allows for the opportunity to spot and remove ticks before they have a chance to settle in and feed. Another effective measure is to keep your garden tidy, reducing overgrown vegetation where ticks might thrive. Remember, prevention is always better than cure, and with these steps, you can significantly lower the chances of your dog becoming host to these troublesome parasites.



When to Consult a Vet

If you're unsure about removing a tick yourself or think part of the tick might still be in your dog's skin after removal, it's crucial to consult a vet. Signs of tick-borne diseases may not appear for 7–21 days or longer after a tick bite, so observe your dog closely for any changes in behaviour, appetite, or general health. If your dog develops a rash, fever, lethargy, loss of appetite, or seems painful or uncomfortable, immediately take them to the vet. 

Always remember, while ticks are common, the diseases they can transmit are serious, and early intervention is crucial in ensuring your dog’s wellbeing. When in doubt, consult your vet.




Ticks are a nuisance, but knowing how to identify and remove them can prevent potential health problems for your dog. Always consult a vet if you're unsure or your dog shows signs of illness after a tick bite. Remember, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

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