Why Do Dogs Lick Us?

January 04, 2024 3 min read

In the realm of dog ownership, few gestures are as familiar or heartwarming as the affectionate lick from our canine companions. Yet, the reasons behind this behaviour are as multifaceted as they are fascinating. Whether you're greeted by a wet nose and tongue at the door or find your furry friend constantly by your side, seeking attention with gentle licks, understanding the motivation behind this action can significantly enhance the bond between you and your pet. In this article, we explore the complex world of dog licking, shedding light on the myriad reasons behind this behaviour.



At its core, licking is a dog's way of expressing love. This instinctual behaviour goes back to the early days of a puppy's life, receiving comforting licks from its mother. Such actions are not merely about cleanliness but are integral to the bonding process, stimulating the release of pleasure-inducing endorphins.



Dogs quickly learn that licking is a good way to capture their owner's attention. This behaviour often results in positive reinforcement, whether through petting, verbal praise, or additional interaction, encouraging them to repeat the action in hopes of similar rewards.



Humans can taste rather intriguing to dogs, especially after we've been sweating, which leaves a salty residue on our skin. Dogs are naturally curious about these tastes, including the remnants of food or even the scent of lotions and creams, though care should be taken to ensure what they're licking is safe.


Empathy and Comfort

Dogs have shown remarkable sensitivity to human emotions, often licking their owners as a form of comfort during times of distress. This empathetic response suggests a deep emotional bond between dogs and their human families.


Sign of Anxiety

Licking can also be a coping mechanism for anxious dogs, offering a self-soothing effect similar to the comfort a child might find in thumb-sucking. It's a sign that your dog may be feeling stressed or nervous.


Indication of Hunger or Thirst

Sometimes, a dog's licking can be a direct request for food or water, a behaviour that has its roots in the wild. Puppies lick their mothers' mouths as a signal of hunger, a trait that domestic dogs have carried into their interactions with humans.



Licking is also a part of a dog's grooming routine, used for cleaning themselves or their pack members. It's a natural instinct that promotes hygiene and health within the pack.



For puppies, the world is an exciting place to be explored with all their senses, including taste. Licking allows them to discover more about their environment, much like human infants learn by putting objects in their mouths.


Underlying Medical Conditions

Excessive licking, however, could be a sign of underlying health issues. It's essential to observe your dog's behaviour and consult a veterinarian if you notice an increase in licking, as it could indicate discomfort or medical concerns.

While these reasons provide a glimpse into the complex psychology behind your dog's licking behaviour, there's always more to learn and understand about our four-legged friends. Watch our video that further explores the fascinating reasons behind dog licking. 


Understanding the multifaceted reasons behind dog licking enriches the relationship between dogs and their owners, offering insights into their needs, emotions, and the ways they communicate. 

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